The Year Is Over!

The year is finally over. All of my kiddos have gone home for the summer and I am sitting at my desk, procrastinating. I have to have everything packed and cleaned and hauled out of here, plus I have to make sure the cumulative folders are complete and file away the last of my paperwork. But I'm sitting here procrastinating because I am drained. This was possibly the longest day ever.
I did not shed one tear as I pushed the kids out the door waved goodbye to my kids. I was happy to see them go to be honest. I love every stinking one of them, but I am done! I have also made my decision - I want back in kindergarten now! So badly that I am willing to give up the cool new room! Unfortunately I've heard through the grapevine that my principal thinks I'm a phenomenal 1st grade teacher and doesn't want me moving back down to K. Hmmmm, thinking back, I should have screwed up an observation or ticked off some parents or something!
So, here I sit, trying to figure out a way to get back down to K (and still get the new room too!). I am going to get up and start cleaning/packing in a moment, but here's a picture tour of our last day:

Here's the goodies I gave to my kiddos for the last day:

They got an activity pad, new pencil, balloon, bookmark, and sucker, plus a crazy straw, a Kool-Aid packet and a Skippy Jon Jones book! I got the cute little tag from Teri @ A Cupcake for the Teacher, which saved me a ton of time!

 My son had his Kindergarten Superhero Play today, doesn't he look cute? His teacher made the capes, shirts and masks!

 My class got to go see the presentation, which they enjoyed!

 My son even had a line: "A hero would never complain!" which he delivered with gusto :)

Afterwards they had a super hero word challenge - check out this cute little "Onomato Man" with all of his onomatopoeia words!

They also had a sight word contest:

Did I mention his teacher's SuperHero name is "DoubleVision"? She has eyes in the back of her head!

After the kindergarten production we went back to class and had our BragTag ceremony and everyone got to wear their necklace home:
 This little guy was just as proud of himself for earning 3 as some of the others were for earning more!

 I can't wait for next year when I can start off with my BragTags right from day 1! Just think how heavy that necklace will be lol!

 We also cleaned off our tables with shaving cream, watched Land Before Time and ate cupcakes!

Okay, I've had a moment to catch my breath and recover from today's whirlwind. Now I miss my kids and I want them back! I can't believe I'm going to go from seeing them every day to missing them for months! Some of them won't come back since our school is so transient, so I may never know what becomes of my babies over the summer. Here come the tears....


1 Lori Rosenberg said...

It sure is a bittersweet time, isn't it? I still have 2 more weeks to enjoy my students.

Lori (
Teaching With Love and Laughter

2 Unknown said...

Sounds like a fun last day...I totally understand your procrastination. That last day is exhausting, both mentally and physically.

Get a good night's sleep and tackle it in the morning.

:) Ann

3 Jennifer said...

I was laughing at you pushing the kids out the door! I too am so done! I'm beat. And I should have stayed late to pack up more stuff....but I just couldn't.

What asked your principal if you could move down to kinder and loop with them the next year to first grade? If that's even something you would want to do!

Rowdy in First Grade

4 Unknown said...

Love the BragTags!
First Grade Blue SKies

5 Lisa R. said...

Your son is adorable! I love that Superhero costume! I don't blame you one bit for being happy about summer vacation. I know that I will be doing the happy dance all the way across the school when that last bell rings!!

Learning Is Something to Treasure

Anonymous said...

I think you will be happy in any grade you choose because you love your job!
Thanks to your awesome contest I am anxiously awaiting my brag!!!! I have a cat and dog theme in my room so I chose the paws.
Good luck with your decision and get some sleep. I still have 15 teaching days left and then I too shall sleep. :)

7 School Sparks Renee said...

Kuddos to you for your great reputation as a fabulous teacher. Clearly you put your heart and soul into your teaching and your kids. I hope it works out to get back down to K. One point of leverage may be that it would be easier for you to teach a grade that your son is not in! Just think out loud!! :) Have a great summer, Renee

Anonymous said...

I am so-o-o interested in learning about your brag tags. Would you either tell me how to find your posts on them or give me a lesson? We still have 3 weeks of school left. But I am already thinking about next year.

9 Jennifer K. said...

Hi Terry! I just went back and labeled my BragTag posts, so if you click "BragTags" under Lables on the top right sidebar you'll see all the posts relating to them!

Jennifer @ Herding Kats in Kindergarten

10 Lita Lita said...

I love that theme! I would love having it in my classroom!

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