Guess What???

I'm teaching kindergarten next year! One of our K teachers resigned, so I get her spot :). I am thrilled to be going back to kindergarten! I might miss the independence of my firsties and their superior writing skills, but I was meant to be a kindergarten teacher.
This was me when I was told I would get to move back to Kindergarten.

Now I just have to work on convincing my principal that the new rooms should go to kindergarten instead of 1st grade. I did mention to her today that she should move kindergarten down to the nice new addition, to which she replied "Write me a proposal." Hah! She thinks I won't! I am going to write a great proposal about the need for kindergarten to have the larger rooms for our kinesthetic learners etc. I can already picture my centers and how I'll finally have space for everything I've wanted to do!

Since I am now definitely on Team Kindergarten I also got to discuss the new theme for next year. The Transitional-First grade teacher is going in with us on a "Where The Wild Things Are" theme for our  classrooms - including plywood cutouts of the characters and trees to line the hallway! Now I just have to be sweet to my husband so he'll agree to make us some neat stuff! He's very creative and likes to use his airbrush, so hopefully I won't have to bribe him with too much - a couple Oreo Blasts maybe lol!
By the way, my classroom was cleared, my records put up and lesson plan book turned in by 4pm! That is an amazing first for me - usually I am still standing in the middle of a mess while everyone else is driving away for the summer! Not sure how I did it, but I actually got everything packed and cleaned with time to spare this year. Maybe I'm learning!

Now I just have to unload my car and start organizing everything I brought home with me. On Saturday. I told my husband that I was sorry, but tomorrow is going to be my Lazy Day - pajamas, TV, computer games, and Hazelnut coffee. I'll tackle the housekeeping and teacher-stuff-organizing starting on Saturday thank you very much - I need a day off first!

Speaking of time off, I can't wait to start creating some new stuff for Kindergarten! I'm going to be working on Nursery rhymes at first, and of course "Where The Wild Things Are". But I need a plan for after that. Any suggestions?

Oh! And just because I've lost a lot of sleep over this, I made an award for someone. You see, when I heard she hadn't been given an award for the amazing bubble blowing that she did, it really hurt my heart. Golly gee willikers, it's unfair! When someone puts in that kind of time and dedication to a craft, there should be some type of recognition! Since her school didn't see fit to reward her, I decided to create an award for her. Thus, without further ado, I hereby present Miss Squirrels with the "Most Amazing Bubble Blower Award" :
Graphics courtesy of Resale Clipart.

There, all is right with the world once more! Alright, I'm off to get a headstart on my Lazy Day by lounging in bed and catching up on all the shows I wasn't able to watch this crazy week. If you're not out for the summer yet, hang in there!


1 Miss Squirrels said...

First, I would like to thank my father- he is the Master Blaster of Mega Bubbles!
He taught me all I know about the delicate technique that remarkably went unnoticed at our Field Day Event.
And I would not be where I am today without the all the practice in the tub with Mr Bubbles when I was just a Lil Squirrel.

Thank you, thank you, thank you...this is going to live on my sidebar!!

Congrats on K!!!

Going Nutty!

2 Lisa R. said...

Yay for Kindergarten!! I know that you were saying you were hoping to go back there. I think your "Where the Wild Things" theme will be just precious. You'll have to show us some pics as you go along. :)

Learning Is Something to Treasure

3 Unknown said...

So glad to hear you get to stay in Kindergarten and I hope you get the new room too. I am sure you can convince your principal.

:) Ann

4 Jessica Ann Stanford said...

Congrats on Kindergarten!!! I hear you! Kindergarten is where I belong too :)


Jessica Stanford
Mrs. Stanford's Class Blog is Having a Giveaway!
My TpT Store

5 Cupcake said...

Congrats on your move back!
A Cupcake for the Teacher

6 Rose said...

Congrats, welcome back to K!

7 Chrissy said...

Yippee! I am so happy for you!

So, Saturday is the designated day for organizing the boxes we brought home with us? Can you keep me accountable?! I have a real gift for procrastinating :-)

8 Mrs. Bee said...

Yay!!!! Such great news!!!!

Anonymous said...

So glad you are going back to your "heart's desire" lol. Enjoy! I am really glad because I love the things you do and I am in Kindergarten so I have a lot to look forward to this year from you. :) Enjoy your pajama day!!!

10 Unknown said...

Yay Yay Yay!!!!! So excited for you! Kindergarten is the best place to be!!!

Kinder Kraziness

11 Unknown said...

Great news! I'm so glad that someone who really WANTS to be in kindergarten gets the chance to do so. Have fun with all the planning this summer! :)

The Daily Cupcake…A Kindergarten Blog

12 kinderexplorers said...

I start off the year with rhymes, too. We actually do a little performance for the parents in late Sept/early Oct. (did I get this idea from Shari Sloane?) Each kinder learns a rhyme to recite...they actually did it after just a few weeks of school =) We learn some of Jack Hartmann's Rhymin' to the Beat songs (I think we did 4 in our little program). And we do art from TLC that we hang around the room. It is soooo fun to kick off the year with a program in our room and the kinders already practicing P.A. with rhyming! Fun, fun! The kids loved it and so did the parents.

Anonymous said...

So happy for you! imafarmgirl and fellow K teacher

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