Using Call Backs In the Classroom (FREE!)

How To Improve Classroom Management with Call Backs

One of the BEST classroom management tips is to "Keep it Novel!". Children's brains are hardwired to attend to novelty. You've probably seen this in action in the classroom - one small thing can be out of place and everyone notices! That's why, when it comes to Call Backs, more is better! Call backs are only as effective as the teacher using them. If you use and reuse the same one all the time, it loses its effectiveness. If you feel silly saying it, chances are the kids will pick up on that and respond less enthusiastically. And of course, if you're bored, the kids will definitely be bored! So with that in mind, its important to find several call backs that you feel comfortable with, and rotate them so they don't get stale.

Introducing Call Backs in your classroom: When first introducing callbacks, it is best to model and practice as a class. Teach the children their part, and practice saying it a few times together. Ask your students to turn to their neighbor and start a conversation, wait a few seconds and then use the call back. The students should respond and then the class will become quiet!

Avoid introducing too many callbacks at once.
Students enjoy novelty, so there's no need to overload them by introducing too many callbacks at once. Instead, teach 2-3 callbacks at the beginning of the year and concentrate more on the routine of getting students to stop everything and quiet down whenever they hear a callback. As the year goes on, you can add more. The idea is to reengage students and reinforce the routine by choosing novel call backs once the old ones become stale and no longer work to grab students attention.
To help you get started with call backs, or learn some novel ones, I've compiled a list of my favorites:

With these attention getters at hand, you'll be on your way to smoother classroom management and a class that actually listens! Try a Call Back today!

Special thanks to Fun For Learning for the cute frames & backgrounds!


1 Tiffani said...

Jennifer- those are absolutely adorable. I know my kids will love these.
✿Tiffani Time 4 Kindergarten

2 Doreen Orr said...

Thank you for the call back responses. I can just hear the children echoing back. Great idea and beautifully created. Doreen from

3 amber said...

I love the book references! I used three different call back responses this past year but want to do a better job of changing them more often because it seemed they lost their immediate effectiveness after a while :)

4 Unknown said...

These are great! I use call backs in my classroom and this adds to my collection! Thanks for the reminder to mix them up though as I can sometimes get stuck using the same few. Thanks for sharing!

Schoolhouse Treasures

Anonymous said...

These are really, Thanks for sharing. Would they work well for high school students?

Anonymous said...

Teacher: 123 All eyes on me! Children: 456 Our eyes are fixed!

7 Paula Lee Bright said...

These are ingenious! My struggling readers (online) will adore, LOVE, go nuts over these. Thank you SO much for your generosity in sharing. It means the world.

Anonymous said...

I like all of these. I use the lyrics of Ice ice baby.
Teacher: "Alright stop"
Students: "Collaborate and listen"
It works a treat

9 Unknown said...

Love these! I can't wait to use them this year. Thank you so much for sharing!

10 Unknown said...

GREAT call back. My students love it! Thanks for sharing.

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