A Peek at Our Thanksgiving Plans Plus a Freebie!

Good morning! We've had a huge change in weather here in Oklahoma this week. We actually had to wear jackets to school! Can you believe it got down to 32 degrees? And then jumped right back up to 75! Of course this means that all the nasty little bugs are going around. I managed to get a stomach bug and had to stay home on Thursday - apparently 9 of my kiddos had the same bug as they were also absent! Luckily no one else in the family succumbed, at least so far (knock on wood!) In fact, Sullivan has been the most cheerful little guy and is really enjoying the Jungle gym we got him. This morning he was cracking me up with the noises he was making so I thought I'd share:

Even though we only had 4 days this week, we managed to pack in a lot of fun. One of the things we are doing is practicing standing at attention and saying the Pledge of allegiance because the local news channel is coming out to film us! My kiddos are sooo excited to be on tv, and its a great motivator because you know only those kiddos that make good choices can be on tv, right?  I have no idea when they're coming to film or when it will air, but I will try to share it when it does!

My student teacher came up with some fun math games this week, plus we recycled a few others:

This was a shake and add game that the kids loved. They shook the pennies in the egg carton and added the numbers that they landed in.

 They love Read and Write the Room activities and this Scarecrow Addition one is a favorite! I've made one for missing addends and one for telling time in my new Turkey Math pack.

They loved this Scoop and Tally game - they used the ice cream scoops to grab some coins. Made me hungry though lol.

They also did some coin rubbings and then labeled the rubbings with the coin name and value. We figured out that in order to do this properly we really needed to stick the coins to the table with a little tape, otherwise they slid around too much.

 We also did a Spin and Graph game with scarecrows from my Fall Graphing Pack. I like to include at least one graphing activity just to keep the skill fresh.

Next week we start our Thanksgiving study in earnest. We'll be using activities from several of my packs:


We'll be using magnifying glasses to find and record the addition sentences from my Thanksgiving Addition Search pack.

My Turkey Math pack is full of fun activities, including this fact family matching game.

My kiddos need some help learning the difference between questions and statements so we'll be using my Thanksgiving Questions Vs Statements pack.

We'll be doing ending sounds, vowel sounds, syllables and alphbetical order activities from my Thanksgiving Skills pack.

We'll be working with measurement and telling time with my Turkey Time pack.

Finally, we'll be reviewing word families with this FREEBIE! Head over to my TpT store to grab it!


I'm off to cut and laminate in between feeding and playing with Sullivan. Have a great day!


1 alwayskindergarten said...

I don't miss the sleepless nights but I do miss those little squeals! (my girls are 3 & 6) So cute!

2 Unknown said...

Where can I find Scoop and Tally> went to TPT and looked at several packs but don't see this one contained anywhere??

3 Chrissy said...

Congratulations, a wee bit late! He is precious!!
Thank you for the cvc activity--it looks great. :-)

4 Unknown said...

I love your station ideas! I am so doing some of these you are fabulous!

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