Veterans Day Pics, Turkey Math & a Freebie!!

Happy Veterans Day! I'm so happy to have this day off to spend with my family! In years past we had professional development on Veterans Day, but this year we got it off! My husband had a 4 day weekend (one thing to love about the Army, 4 day weekends for federal holidays!) so he was tasked with taking Sullivan to the doctor for his check-up and shots. Good news - Sullivan's hip click is gone so no more worries about dysplasia! Bad news - his skin is soooo dry but the only thing we can put on it is hydrocerin since he's so young, and the hydrocerin does almost nothing for it, so rather than having baby soft skin, Sullivan's little forehead feels like sandpaper :(  He apparently took his shots like a champ but was a bit sad that evening:

On Friday my school had a Veterans Day breakfast. In addition to myself, 3 other teachers at my school are vets! Our music teacher  put together a great program and I thought the cafeteria looked super:

My class did our part to help decorate the hallways for Veterans Day with this cute craft from Hadar:

Its kind of hard to read, but this one says "Thank you for serving our country. You are the best soldier in the world."

 "Thank you for fighting for freedom Thank you for our country. I love you soldier." Awww!

Our Veteran's Day Roll & Cover games were a hit inside the classroom too!

I'm spending today cleaning house and getting progress reports finished (progress reports already?! Didn't I just send home report cards?!). Yesterday I finished up my Turkey Math pack that covers all the skills we have been working on, plus the ones coming up in the next several weeks. Can I just say that I love teaching math and this pack makes me so happy! Its going to be so much fun that I'm rather jealous of my student teacher - it has been so hard to stay out of my room! This week I ducked back in several times to help out with our craft and do a few lessons, but next week I'm turning over the reins 100%! Anyways, here are some images from this pack:
 Turkey Ten Frames for number sense and missing addends.
Spin & Graph, plus finding 10 more/10 less/1 more/1less with base ten blocks, number lines and 120 chart.
 Fact Family Barns!
Read & Write the Room with time to the hour and 1/2 hour, more base ten blocks practice, and another graphing sheet.
Addition & Subtraction Roll & Cover Games, Read & Write the Room Missing Addend edition, Missing Addend clothespin activity, plus more practice sheets!

There are 7 different math center activities and 12 print & go practice sheets! If you'd like a chance to win a copy, Rustle Up a Response below and I'll choose two winners tonight at 10pm!

I also made a quick Turkey themed "I have... Who has..?" game for practicing CVC words. Head over to my TPT store to grab it for free!

Oh! And in honor of Veterans Day, I'll share this sweet pic of when hubby and I first met :)


Anonymous said...

Today I am thankful not only for those who have served or are serving our great country, but also for teachers who are very talented and tech savy! See, I am NOT! I truly appreciate the creativity and hard work you put into these activities!
Carol Welch

2 gina said...

Thank you for your service. This math pack looks wonderful!
Gina T.

3 Mary McGough said...

Thanks to you and your hubby for your service. The math pack looks awesome

Anonymous said...

It is truly remarkable that after your time fighting for our country you are still doing your part to fight for our children. It is people like you who keep our country afloat! Thank you for all that you do, and for the amazing work you share with fellow educators on this blog! I, like your student teacher, am about to take on full time teaching in my Kindergarten classroom and could really benefit from what looks like an amazing math packet. Thank you for sharing!

Maia Mitchell

5 Carol said...

I would love your math pack!! Thank you for your service and your writing project with the soldiers are ADORABLE!! Thanks!!

6 Katie said...

You poor little guy....i feel your pain. My daughter is now 8, but she had severe eczema as a baby and still has it now. Have you tried Aquaphor? It is greasy, but it works wonders and helps with the itchyness of it. I lather my daughter up with it when she gets out of the bath and it really helps with her dry patches.

I would LOVE to be able to use your math packs in my classroom. We are in the middle of assessments for reports cards, which is oh so painful, and these would come in handy for them to do while I do assessments. And to use for the rest of the year.


7 cat said...

I am Thankful for people like you who create and share your creations with the masses.
I am Thankful for our soldiers current and retired who have, and continue to, give so much for all of us.
Thank God for the military men, women, and spouses/significant others waiting at home. We love you
Cat s.

8 Karyn said...

Aww Sullivan is SO cute! Poor little guy, shots are NO fun!

Your math pack looks awesome!

Thank you and your husband for serving our country and all of us! I truly appreciate all that you sacrifice for all of us so that we can enjoy our freedom. I hope you both were shown a lot of appreciation today (and everyday)!


9 Unknown said...

The pack looks great! Would love to use it with my kiddos! Thank you for your service!

10 msdora162 said...

Thank you for your service to our country and now to our children. The more I work with children the more my heart aches because they need so much. Your work is amazing and I would love to use it with my students.

Jen Ecklund said...

Thank you for your service!!
The Math Centers look great!

12 Jay Pea said...

Poor sweet baby!!! Thank y'all for serving our wonderful are so appreciated! The math packet looks awesome! Thank you again!

13 alwayskindergarten said...

I love your pics of Sullivan! He's so expressive! Thanks for the chance to win! The pack looks super fun!

14 Rachel said...

Great pictures of your family:)

Anonymous said...

I used "aquaphillic" on my kiddos. You have to ask the pharmacist for it... but you don't need a prescription. I have only been able to find it at Walmart though. It is WONDERFUL and can be put on everywhere (not too close to the eyes). Our dermatologist told us about it... if you have any questions - please email!

16 Kelly and Kim said...

Thank you for serving our country! You are appreciated and admired!
We are so happy to have found your blog, we are your newest followers.
We absolutely love your veteran's day craft, adorable!
Your math centers look great!
Kelly and Kim’s Kindergarten Kreations

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