Last Minute Apple Freebie!

Hi friends! Tomorrow is my last day off before I go back to the classroom after maternity leave! I am all kinds of nervous about taking over my classroom, even though I know my sub has done a wonderful job establishing procedures (by the way, got any ideas for a gift for a sub who has gone above and beyond?!) I also hate the idea of leaving Sullivan at daycare - even though its a nice one, I still worry he's going to miss me (probably because I hold him practically 24/7, in fact he's hanging out on my lap as I type this!) And, heck, even if I DO put him down for a minute, he's immediately stolen away by one of my children or his Daddy.  I'm hoping he adjusts well to daycare though! Here's the obligatory pic of my little guy, in this one he's smiling at his Daddy:

Anyways, seeing as I haven't been in the classroom for September, I'm going to start off October with a few days of Apple activities - just because I love making applesauce in the classroom!  The smell of it cooking all day, watching the kids faces as they taste hot, homemade applesauce for the first time - its one of my favorite Fall activities! So, for today and tomorrow, my Facebook Fan Freebie is a cute Apple themed center activity - grab it before it changes on October 1st! I'll be updating the Fan Freebie frequently, so make sure you are a Facebook follower so you can grab the freebies while they're up!

I spent some time this last week working on an Initial Blends & Digraphs pack. Our Literacy 1st assessment has changed, so instead of going from CVC words to CVCE words, it go from CVC words to Initial Consonant Blends, Final Consonatn Blends, Multisyllabic closed syllable words and THEN CVCE words! Not sure if this is a good change or not, but I figure it might be since so many kiddos have trouble getting the long vowel sound for CVCE words - this new assessment gives them a whole semester to mature a bit before I teach it, so hopefully it will be easier for them to pick up Silent E!

If you'd like a chance to win my new pack, just Rustle Up a Response below with some gift ideas for my sub - she's leaving my class on Tuesday and going straight into another long-term sub position - I swear every pregnant teacher in the district tries to nab her! She's a retired teacher so she's great with the kids and she really works hard!


1 Roxanne said...

My suggestions are as follows:
A Teacher plaque with a lovely heartfelt teacher's quote.

A school supply bundle

An Erin Condren Teacher Planner

Let your heartfelt appreciation and love be felt, heard, known and always remembered.

I would love to win your new packet!!!!!

Take care, be good and have a splendid evening.

2 Katie Nussbaum said...

Something from the kiddo's. I always loved when I would get love notes when I left the kids.

Or some sort of coffee mug that the kids could decorate.

Or a gift card to a book store.

3 Desiree said...

Definitely a big thank you card from your students, maybe with their hand prints.
A bag filled with sub goodies. You know like chocolate, aspirin, fun and easy games that have always worked for you and your class.

Maybe you could share your favorite read-aloud with her along with activities she could use on the "fly".

And if you can't get the Erin Condren planner, you could always send off for a notepad with her name on it from Erin Condren.
Have a great evening.:)
Kinders on the Block

4 Lisa Mattes said...

Your little man is precious!!!!

I bet a heartfelt note on a beautiful card will speak volumes to her!

And gift cards never hurt either! :)

Anonymous said...

Something from the kiddos, a note for you and a gift card to pamper herself!
You have a cutie on your hands!

6 Cherie said...

I'd say give her a gift card so she can buy whatever she wants! :)

Anonymous said...

Since she is retired I think a gift card she can spend when she is off and playing would be wonderful!!! Of course, with some sweet kid cards of thanks that will melt her heart.
Andrea :)

8 Cindy Calenti said...

It's so hard leaving the little ones and heading off to work. I remember this feeling all too well. I'm with you in spirit!

I think relaxing "stuff" makes for great sub gifts... bubble bath, tea, a massage certificate, passes to the movies, etc.

Granny Goes to School

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