Giveaway Winners!

It's back to the grindstone tomorrow! I'm 1/2 sad that I can't stay home and play on my computer and 1/2 excited to see my kiddos again. I have one little guy who always gives me a hug and says "I really did miss you!" whenever there's even a weekend break, so I know he'll be excited to come back to school tomorrow! I think with a big cup of coffee I'll be able to step right back into the swing of things - AND I'm excited to decorate my classroom for Winter/Christmas tomorrow! Look for pictures of that fun soon!

I want to say a big thank you to all who entered the giveaway and congratulations to the two winners, Cheryl and Doreen! Ladies, your TPT gift cards should be in your inboxes! If you didn't win, don't be sad - there are a ton of great giveaways coming up in December - you won't want to miss them! Right now there's a great giveaway for a $10 Starbucks gift card and 4 great TPT packs (including one from me!) in honor of  Learning with Mrs. Leeby reaching 100 followers! Click the button below to go enter!

 (thanks to Ashley Hughes for the cute button - love her graphics!)

Just a reminder that there's a big TPT sale tomorrow - if you stalk a lot of blogs you've probably been inundated with sales info! Most stores are 20% off and TPT will give you an additional 10% off if you use the code CMT12 at check out! Also, if you haven't gone back and left feedback for your purchases, head back to TPT and do so! You'll earn TPT points that you can apply to purchases! I love being able to apply my points and get an item free!

I've added a few more things to my shopping cart, check them out:

How cute is this Snowman Math Matching Game from Elizabeth of Mrs. Hodge and Her Kindergarten Kids? I adore the graphics!

Speaking of cute graphics, have you seen the cuteness from Nancy of Joy of Kindergarten?

Look for these cuties in my future packs!

Alright, its time to get down to business and make some lesson plans - I wish I was the type to do them the first day of a break rather than wait until Sunday night lol!


1 Unknown said...

Thank you so much! I am sooo excited! Can't wait to shop tomorrow! My cart is sooo full! :)
Crayons and Curls

2 dbednars said...

Thank you so much. I just used my gift certificate at TPT. I am so excited to be a winner. My students will love everything. I'll be printing & laminating for quite awhile.
Thank you again!

3 Mrs. Leeby said...

You are awesome and thanks for being involved in the giveaway!
Learning With Mrs. Leeby

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