Gingerbread Fact Families Freebie!

I've got gingerbread on the brain it seems! Yesterday I started work on a Gingerbread Fact Family Activity for my math workstations. I really love how it turned out and I think my students will too! We are getting really good at addition and are now ready for subtraction, thus the intro of fact families! How cute are these fact family mats?!

I posted about them on my Facebook page and got some great feedback from some lovely followers - thank you! It pays to follow on Facebook as sometimes I have a flash giveaway or ask for a proofreader for a unit! Anyways, Kelly from "I'm Not You're Grandpa, I'm your Teacher" had the idea to add on a craftivity at the end. I decided to whip that together and offer it as a freebie :)

I printed out my craftivity and realized that my artistic daughter was giving our 2 beagles a bath. Oh well, this is for K-2nd, so why not grab my two youngest sons to help me color?  We are sadly lacking in the crayon/marker department so we went ahead and colored with colored pencils. Now, I have to say that my boys worked for quite some time on coloring, and they seemed very enthused by the project and my 6 year old is even pretty darn good at fact families (he's in the other 1st grade class across the hall and I didn't know if they had covered that yet). However, I cannot say that this is the cutest, most artsy result I have ever seen. If I had any glitter at home, that might have helped....

 I leave it to your imaginations what it might look like in your classroom with more supplies :P

There's still a few more hours to enter the giveaway for two $25 TPT gift cards, it ends at midnight! Click here to go to that post to enter!

1 comment:

1 Kelly said...

Jennifer, it all looks GREAT! At least your boys colored the gingerbread men brown, I'll probably get a couple of purple or lime green! lol

Kelly @ I'm Not Your Grandpa, I'm Your Teacher

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