Sadly Sunday

Well, it's my last night of Spring Break :( I'm dragging it out to the very end though by going to see The Hunger Games tonight! I couldn't let my daughter go back to school without seeing it! We are about to head out the door but I wanted to share a funny story that happened with my youngest today.

He's my early riser, my little man who loves to snuggle in the morning and is my companion for at least an hour before the others wake up. This morning we were both in our computer room and he was on the kids' computer, typing away. He asked me "Does E make the e sound like in sexy?" and of course I swiveled around to see what in the world he was up to. Turns out that he was on YouTube, on a browser that had been left open and had typed in "Glee Se". You see, I'm a big Glee fan. Watch it, listen to the music etc. But I don't let him watch it because it's just not appropriate for 5 year olds. But somehow, he heard a song and was trying to find the video for Glee's cover of "I'm Sexy and I Know It".

Hmm, what to do? Obviously this is not an appropriate song for him to listen to, and I sure wouldn't want him to go sing those lyrics at school tomorrow! Luckily I found this version which just cracked him up:

I then showed him this video which is my current favorite song. At the end of it he came to me, tears running down his face and said "That song made me cry because it was so beautiful!" Aww, that's my boy!

Have a great night everyone! If I survive tomorrow I might have a freebie for you :)


1 Unknown said...

Hilarious Elmo video! My kids and I loved it.

2 Journey of a Substitute Teacher (Ms. T) said...

I posted that Elmo video on my FB about a week ago and everyone was cracking up.

Celtic Women is an amazing group that I actually got to go to a concert to for my birthday a few years ago. Won't ever forget it!

Journey of a Substitute Teacher

3 Allyce said...

Thanks for the laugh! It was exactly what I needed.

4 Kimberley Moran said...

I love that. Very funny. I hope you like the movie. I loved it.

First in Maine

5 Unknown said...

That is so funny!
First Grade Blue SKies

6 Elizabeth said...

Super funny!

And, of course, I love your video from Celtic Women not only because it is beautiful, but the original singer is Josh Groban {my boyfriend}. Ok, only 1/2 way kidding.

Fun in Room 4B

7 Mary said...

SO sorry your break is coming to an end! The summer is so close! This is the best time of year though... the kids are so much more independent!

Sharing Kindergarten

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