Next week we have to set up our incubator for our eggs. I am torn between doing chicken eggs again or doing duck eggs this year. Last year we did not have a very good hatch rate on our chicks, so maybe we will have more luck with ducklings? I took a trip to our local feed store yesterday and they had the sweetest baby chicks and ducklings. I can't wait to have some in the classroom!
My other consideration for which to get is that I will be taking a week off in April to go to California. My sister-in-law is getting married April 21st. She and my husband haven't seen each other in almost 20 years, she's actually my husband's 1/2 sister and after his mom left her dad they didn't get to see each other again. Due to the wonders of Facebook, they reconnected last year, but still haven't managed to get together. So we are taking the whole family down to California for a week so we can attend the wedding and the kids get to meet their aunt! I'm really looking forward to it, but stressing being out of the classroom for a week - I have never taken off for that long!
Of course I don't want the eggs to hatch while I'm away, plus I don't want a sub to have to look after baby animals. Last year one of our little chicks died and it was quite a traumatic event for some of my kiddos. So I definitely want to be there in case things don't go as planned. Since ducklings take a bit longer than chicks to hatch, I'm thinking I might be safe going with them. That way if we set them up this week it should be the beginning of May before they hatch! Which will give us just enough time to observe them and love on them before they go off to a local farm at the end of the school year!
By the way, where do you get your eggs? I got some from local farmers last year, plus I bought some "fancy" ones off of Ebay too. The Ebay eggs had a higher hatch rate than the local eggs and the chicks were too darn cute - we called them hobbits because they looked like they had furry feet! I put an ad on craigslist and in the local yahoo freecycle, most of the farmers are willing to donate the eggs since it's a school project :)
I now have eggs and Easter on my brain, so be looking for lots of fun stuff based around that! I also have to start cracking on my Space unit and Dinosaur unit! We always do Space the first week of May since Space Day is the first Friday in May. I've never done Dinosaurs before, but I have two little guys who are dinosaur crazy this year and both their birthdays fall during the same week in May. I promised we would do a dinosaur unit in their honor that week.
Here's a fun Eastery freebie for you - no religious symbols, just some cute eggs, bunnies and lambs so your kiddos can practice their addition facts. You could just have them match these up in a pocket chart or play as a memory game in a small group. Just click the picture to download it for free at my TPT store. Enjoy!

Have fun at the wedding! Thanks for the freebie!
I am glad I'm not the only one freaking out about there not being very many days left! I think we are in the 60's still but my mind is going a mile a minute trying to figure out how to fit everything in.
Thanks for the freebie! It will be a perfect math station as a memory game!
My sister is getting married on the 21st too. :)
I'm SO glad there aren't very many days left, but there is SO SO much to do between now and then. I know it is going to get crazy. Not just school related either. We don't have any free Saturdays between now and May.
Good Luck!!
I just pin your Easter math game. Can't wait to use it! Check out my blog for a free Easter download and idea.
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