Celebrate the New Year with a Ring of Bloggy Giveaways!

I am so exited to participate in this giveaway! I do not have very much in my TPT store right now, but I will be adding between now and the end of the giveaway! Plus you get to choose items from 11 other TPT stores too, so this is an awesome giveaway! A big thank you to Mandy at Mandy's Tips for Teachers for organizing it and including me!

 A New Year is beginning and to celebrate its arrival we are having a HUGE giveaway from a Ring of Blogs!
Twelve blogs have joined together for a MEGA New Year Giveaway!  The winners of the giveaway will be able to choose any item (winter themed or not) from any of the Teacher Pay Teachers stores listed below. 

 Nearly 100 items will be given away in this HUGE event!

Each blog will have 6 winners.
Each blog will select and post 6 winners for that blog.

Third Place: There will be THREE third prize winners that will be able to choose any (of the winner’s choice) ONE item total from any of the blogger’s Teacher Pay Teachers store listed below. 

   Second Place: There will be TWO second prize winners that will be able to choose any (of the winner's choice) TWO items (total)  from any of the blogger's Teachers Pay Teachers stores below. 

First Prize: ONE grand prize winner from EACH blog that will win any (of the winner's choice) ONE ITEM from EACH blogger's Teachers Pay Teachers stores listed below!

 Here are the participating blogs/ stores: 



How do you enter?  There are several possible ways to enter:

1. Follow my blog and leave a comment on this blog post saying you follow (or note that you are already a follower). 

2. Follow my Teacher Pay Teachers store and leave a comment on this blog post saying you follow. 

3. Blog about this contest  and leave a comment  & the link to the post here.

However, there are still MORE ways to enter to WIN
You can also follow the blogs and stores of ALL the blogs participating
 in the list above to increase your chances of winning!  
There are at least 24 chances to win even if you DON'T blog!!!! 
Remember to comment that you follow their blog and TpT store on their blog!

All winners will be chosen on January 6th, 2012 by 8:00pm Eastern time.
Good luck!  Maybe YOU will be one of the big winners!


1 meghan said...

I now follow your blog. Super cute layout!

Third Grade in the First State

2 meghan said...

I now follow your TpT store as well! =)

Third Grade in the First State

3 meghan said...

I blogged about this huuuge giveaway!

Third Grade in the First State

4 Cathy C said...

i follow your blog

catherine0807 at hotmail dot com

5 Cathy C said...

i follow your TpT store

catherine0807 at hotmail dot com

6 Kathy said...

I am a follower of your amazing blog!

7 Rachel said...

I follow your blog!

rmariemuniz at hotmail dot com

8 Rachel said...

I follow your TPT store!

rmariemuniz at hotmai dot com

9 Ali said...

I follow your blog!!


10 Cindy said...

You're on my favorite sellers list at Tpt! :o)


11 katieneu said...

I follow your blog!

12 katieneu said...

I follow your TPT store!

13 katieneu said...

I follow your on Pinterest too!

Anonymous said...

I follow your blog!

15 Janine said...

I follow your blog.

Faithful in First

16 Janine said...

I follow your TpT store.

Faithful in First

17 Janine said...

I blogged about the giveaway here:


Faithful in First

18 Laura said...

I follow your blog! Cute! Cute! lmartin@rcsd.ms

19 Laura said...

I follow your tpt store, too! lmartin@rcsd.ms

20 Unknown said...

I follow your blog and your TPTstore!!

21 Sandra said...

I follow your TpT store!


22 Tammy said...

I follow your blog and tpt store!

23 Cindy L said...

I follow your blog.


24 Cindy L said...

I follow your TPT store too.


25 Keys4Education said...

I am a follower of your blog! :o)

jennkeys @ gmail . com

26 Keys4Education said...

I follow your store! :o)

jennkeys @ gmail . com

27 Danielle said...

I follow your blog.
What a great idea!

28 Mrs. M said...

I'm your newest follower :)

Color Me Kinder

29 Mrs. Brown said...

I blogged about the giveaway!



30 Mrs. Brown said...

I follow your blog!


31 Mrs. Brown said...

I follow your TpT store!


32 katieneu said...

Check it out on Pinterest under my Giveaways board!

33 Kristy said...

I follow your blog.
Teachin' First

34 Kristy said...

I follow your tpt store too!
Teachin' First

35 katieneu said...

Check it out on Twitter!

36 Jen said...

I follow your blog

37 Christina said...

I have posted my very first giveaway. I hope I did it right. Please yourself as a follower on my page, too.


38 Christina said...

I am a new TpT follower. livelaughteach.blogspot.com


39 Christina said...

I am also a new follower. livelaughteach.blogspot.com

40 Denise said...

I follow your blog(love the name!!!) and have bought things from tpt store. Going now to become a follower!

41 Megan said...

I follow your blog!


42 Megan said...

I follow your TPT store!


43 Wintaka said...

I am following your blog and now your tpt store. I don't have my own blog so I just send your blod address to my cohorts.

44 Unknown said...

I follow your TpT store! :)
Crayons and Curls

45 Marie W said...

I follow you blog! Thanks for everything!

46 Lost said...

I follow your blog

47 Lost said...

I follow your blog and tpt store

48 Diane O said...

I follow your blog. What a fantastic give away!

49 Diane O said...

I now follow your TPT store!

50 ♥ Owl in a Vowel Tree ♥ said...

I follow your fab blog! :)


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