Side note: My silly husband is so phobic of throwing up that he did not eat anything from the time I threw up on Thursday night until Saturday night - he was convinced he was going to get sick too and he will do anything not to have to throw up. Luckily everyone else in the family seems to have avoided getting sick - I'm crossing my fingers that the kids aren't just incubating this!
Well this morning I got up and I'm feeling much better - and of course the first thing I had to do was check out what had been happening in bloggy land! You can imagine how thrilled I was to see that, while I lay sick, I was awarded the Sunshine Award by 3 different bloggers! Oh my word! I am just thrilled by the honor! Thank you so much to CacheyMama from Cachey Mama's Classroom, Ms. Helms of Work Smart Not Hard Teaching Kindergarten and Kerri from Ms. Kerri and Her Krazy Kindergarten!
Here are the "rules" for this award:
1. Thank the person who gave this award and write a post about it.
2. Answer the following questions below.
3. And pass the award to 10~12 fabulous bloggers, link their blogs and let them know you awarded them.
My answers to the questions:
- Favorite color? Blue, although you really couldn't tell by looking around my house!
- Favorite animal? Dogs - specifically rottweilers, I'm still missing my baby that passed at the end of August, and we can't get a new rotti any time soon because they're not allowed in on post housing :(
- Favorite number? 138
- Favorite drink? Pepsi Zero or Shamrock Shakes from McDonalds (so sad they're not available year round!)
- Facebook or Twitter? Not really either any more since I began blogging, but I still check out Facebook once in a while to keep in touch with friends.
- Your passion? Teaching! Preferably kindergarten - can't wait to get "demoted" next year!
- Giving or getting presents? Giving - I love, love, love buying stuff for my kids and husband - as long as it's a surprise - can't stand getting exactly what's on a list because that's no fun!
- Favorite day? Friday - love having a whole weekend to look forward to!
- Favorite flowers? Oh, please, please let my husband read this post! Sweet man keeps buying me roses, which are pretty but expensive, and I would much rather have carnations, tulips or gladiolas! I've tried telling him that at least a dozen times since we've been married, but he likes to stick with tradition (what a horrible problem to have right?! I really should be slapped for not being more thankful, especially given the season!)

Because I am so tickled by this award, I made a quick freebie as a "Thank you!" to all my followers! I know that lately I have been posting more 1st grade stuff than Kindergarten, so to remedy that here is an uppercase/lowercase alphabet match-up just in time for all the Winter festivities!
Awww, thank you SO much - you just made my day!!!! (And with hubby's back issues - you know I needed it!) Once I get the dreaded grocery shopping finished...I'll pass it along.
Seeing all the cute blog buttons on your post makes me REALLY wish I had one. I tried making one yesterday and after a few hours gave you know who could help me with that?
Thanks bunches!!!!!
Crisscross Applesauce in First Grade
Sorry to hear about your flu. We have an "epidemic" going on at our school right now. Everyone is throwing up. I'm keeping my fingers crossed I avoid it. I'm almost as "bad" as your husband. :)
Thank you so much for mentioning my blog! I love these letter match ups! Great! Thanks for sharing.
Thank you so much for giving me this award!!!! You brightened my day!
Thank you so much for giving me this award! I have been working all day on school stuff and thought I would check my blog.... yippppeee a note from you! I hope you're feeling better.. take care and have a great Thanksgivng!
Thank you again!
Thanks so much for the award, you have really made my day. I'll get my last few dreaded report cards finished and then pass it along.
I'm glad you're feeling better now! My boy is feeling off today - just a little fever and headache.. hope it doesn't develop into something more.
Thank you so much! What a lovely way to start the school week :) I am in the midst of end-of-year reports also, and will pass on the award as soon as I finish my final comments.
- Melanie
Thank you for the award!! I love your blog!
I, too had the flu last month and have been sick since with an upper respiratory thing since! I think I am finally getting better though! Glad to year you are feeling better and hope it stays away!
❤Mrs. McKown
Little Literacy Learners
Me again!
Not sure if this is allowed, but I am sending this back to you!
❤Mrs. McKown
Little Literacy Learners
Thank you for the Sunshine Award!
☺ Tanya
First Grade is Fantabulous!
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