Do You Need a Donorschoose Donation?

Just a quick post! I just got an email from Donorschoose giving me a $25 gift code. No one in my school has a project up, so I have no one to donate to! If you have a project up, please leave a link in the comments. I'll choose one project to get the $25 donation tonight at 9pm :)

UPDATE: Wow, I did not expect to have to make such a hard choice! There are 25 wonderful projects for me to choose from and honestly I can't decide. I'm going to let the random number generator pick for me:

So I am making a $25 donation to Allison's project for books in the Zack Files series:

Thank you so much for all of your comments and I hope all of your projects get funded!


1 Learning with Mrs. Parker said...

Yes. My project will expire soon.

2 Gina said...

Project expires April 1!

Julie Ahern said...

Fantastic news! I teach at a high poverty vibrant community and this project would love your support. :-D

Anonymous said...

Only $50 to go!

5 The Tutu Teacher said...

How very sweet of you!

A BLT adventure

6 Unknown said...

I wrote two grants the other day and was hoping DonorsChoose would post them today but they're still not up. Hopefully they will be tomorrow. I'm the special education teacher for inclusive second and third grade classes in a high poverty Chicago Public School. I'm hoping to get some iPads for my third graders and more books for my second graders. Any donation to my projects would be appreciated. Until they're up, the link to my DonorsChoose page is and any donations would become a gift card I could use for these projects once they're posted. Thanks for this chance!

7 kaylee said...

Only $79 to go on this Hokki Stool project, so that $25 would get us so close to funding! Thanks! Thanks so much!!

8 hollyazevedo said...

Hi, thanks for this offer. I have a project for story prompts.

9 KR said...

This project expires in 5 days!

Anonymous said...

Please, what a great way to spread the DC love by supporting someone with your card. I would love to have it added to my project, fingers crossed

11 Kristen Marie said...

This project benefits an entire school, not just one classroom! Instead of watching movies during inside recess, students at my school will now enjoy a movement break with tunnels, balance boards, obstacle courses, and more.

12 Unknown said...

My kinder students love puzzles. I would love to restock our puzzle collection.

13 Robin said...

My first graders are always hungry in the afternoon. I would love to provide them with healthy snacks. Please check out my project at

Arlee said...

The American Heart Association lists our city as having the worst air quality in the entire nation! We are trying to add an industrial-sized air purifier to our kindergarten classroom to help us all breathe easier. Your donation will certainly help! :) Thank you!

15 Susan S. Kopecki said...

Need a SCREEN for my classroom... want to be able to project! trying so hard to fund! thnks...

16 Unknown said...

My project has had lots of donors, and we would love to get it funded soon! I am working to make my class a 1:1 device class.

17 Sarah said...

I desperately need tables!!

18 D. Keller said...

Please consider my project. We are trying to get another set of Hokki stools. The two we have in our room now are really benefiting the students that get to use them. Thank you!

19 Allison said...

Hi! How awesome of you to host this giveaway! :-) I am trying to get my kids hooked on reading. The Zack Files is BY FAR the weirdest book series for third graders I have ever seen! I mean, in the first book, Zack’s great-grandpa Julius is reincarnated as a cat that Zack adopts from a rescue shelter. WHAT?! But man, do my students LOVE it!!! It has gotten some of my most reluctant readers to actually LOVE reading. So, this project is my attempt to get the entire series for my students so that they can keep this reading momentum going! ANY help is appreciated and accepted with love and gratitude!

Demetria Richardson said...

I have three healthy/active projects that posted last week and lost their DYI match. So any size donation will help a lot.

21 Amber said...

I could use this donation. My project is for a binding machine & supplies, My students dislike writing but have enjoyed our silly Seuss inspired books & I would like to be able to turn their stories into books that they can keep for a long time.

22 DrTofBSE said...

Seuss-a-palooza is the name of my project. I am a school counselor and will use these stories, props, pencils, bookmarks, and banners to deliver memorable and meaningful character education. Thank you for your consideration!

Tammy Murano said...

This is my first project and I am so excited!

24 Tiffani said...

Here's my project.

25 Unknown said...

My project could use some help. Thanks for the opportunity!

26 Unknown said...

I am a Broward county teacher and need help getting my classroom project funded. Please take a look at it:

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