A Conference and a Sale!

I'm so excited!! I am heading out this afternoon to go to the Kindergarten Conference in Norman, OK! I've wanted to go for the last 3 years, but my school has $0 for professional development, so they could never afford to send me :(

This year though, I paid for it myself, using the money from my TPT sales! I am so proud of myself for my little store that has enabled me to go on this conference and hopefully bring back a ton of new ideas to my classroom! I have been anticipating this trip for weeks, and I know it will be renew my  energy and allow me to be pumped up with even more enthusiasm for teaching! I get back Tuesday night, so look for a post about the conference on Wednesday!

Speaking of TPT, did you know there's a big sale going on today only? Many of my Kinderland friends are having a 20% sale, plus if you use the coupon code "SUPER" you'll get an additional 10% off the sale price!

1 comment:

1 Lisa said...

How fun that you were able to go!! That's super exciting. You should add your TPT store link to my Super Sale Linky :)

The Lower Elementary Cottage

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