Candy Corn Graph Freebie!

Whew! What a Saturday! Sleeping in, playing with the kids, reading some of the new books I just got from Amazon:

Seriously cute but I wonder how much a kinder or firstie will get out of it - my third grader really liked it and understood it, but I think most of the jokes went over my youngest son's head. I will try it out in class and let you know! At the very least the kids will enjoy searching for Pigeon in this book - he's pretty well hidden!

But, my absolute favorites, and must-haves for your classroom are:

So cute - and I am going to make my classroom tree into a word tree - right after Halloween because right now it's covered in spiders and webbing!
A while ago I shared a picture of some goodies I got while grocery shopping - new flavors of candy corn!

I have found 6 flavors so far: Original, Indian or Autumn, Caramel, Chocolate Caramel, Green Apple and Caramel Apple. Yum! I have to admit I have not tried all of them yet - going to taste test them in class with my students, but of the ones I have tried, the Caramel Apple is my favorite. Each bag comes with about 130+ pieces, so I can give each of my 26 kiddos about 4 of each kind. I plan on doing this on the 31st since it's a 1/2 day for us. Sugar those kiddos up so they can go home and drive the parents batty until it's trick or treating time! (By the way, it's only a 1/2 day for the kids - teachers get to stay and do in-service training again.)

So, in order to make this a legitimate learning experience, I'm tying math into the eating of all of this sugar. We will create a graph of our favorite flavors, and then do a little writing piece. Here's what my graph looks like:

(My daughter colored in some candy corn pieces so I could see how they all fit together on the board.)

If you'd like to make your own graph, here's a freebie for you! It contains all of the pieces to set up your graph on a poster board, plus a regular paper sized bar graph in both color and black and white in case you want the kiddos to color the graph in to save ink :) Also included is a more than, less than worksheet that you can fill out as a class and display next to the poster graph.  I always post my graphs in the hallway so that classes walking down the hall to PE/Music or the cafeteria can stop to look!

Just click the picture below to grab it for free in my TPT store !



1 Pam said...

I saw all these new flavors of candy corn just the other day. Thanks so much for sharing. I love to do graphs with my kinders!

2 Alicia said...

Thanks for the book recs -- I can never have enough books! The graph is adorable, and a great excuse to buy lots of candy corn. :)

Alicia @ Today's Objective

3 Lisa said...

Hi! I just found your blog through Kindergarten Network. I'm also your newest follower. :) Thanks for your freebie! I never knew there were so many flavors of candy corn! Feel free to visit my blog sometime.

~ Lisa
Teaching Kindergarten Kiddos

4 Classroom Ponderings said...

Hi Jennifer I Boo'd you! Info on this linky is available on my blog. Email me at for the item you would like! Enjoy your week
Mrs Poultney's Ponderings

5 Grella Monsters said...

What a cute idea! Just wanted to let you know I just "boo'd" you, so please hop on over to my blog & find out more about it :)

6 Unknown said...

I love it! Thanks for the freebie. My kids will enjoy the candy and I will appreciate the learning that takes place!

7 johnpeterjohn said...

this is like awesome ! such a innovative idea..
cool math 4 kids

8 Lisa said...

You've been Boo-ed! Jump over to my blog to see how to Boo another blogger!

The Lower Elementary Cottage

9 Miss Sara said...

I have just boo-ed you! I see that you've been boo-ed quite a few times ;)
Check it out on my blog!

Miss Elementary

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