A Little Bit of Fun & a Chance to Win!

Want to hear something funny? I was in such pain yesterday (dental visit) that I was popping acetaminophen and ibuprofen like it was candy and was still miserable. Then my dentist called to check if everything was alright, and what did I tell him? "Yes, everything's fine, thanks for calling!" For some reason I just couldn't admit to weakness lol. My face is still a bit swollen, but it's feeling a lot better. Hopefully I'll be 100% soon!

Recently I tried something with my kiddos that I thought might be perfect for my kinders! I had visions of doing a sensory center activity, but my kids showed me how we could go in so many more directions with it!
First up, science! We talked about the absorption of water:

Then we observed and described:

We had a bit of imaginary fun :

Then we hit some basic math skills:

We finished up with number sense:

Do you have a guess? Let's make this fun, the person with the closest guess will win their choice of one item from my TPT store! Just Rustle Up a Response below to play :) If you want to get your own beads you can check your local crafting store, or check out these deals from Amazon:

Speaking of TPT , my Christmas in July sale is extended through today - I don't have many seasonal units, but the ones I do have are 20% off today! Lots of other bloggers are having similar sales too!

There are a few giveaways I have to give a shout out to:

First, my Donorschoose giveaway ends tomorrow so make sure you've entered!

Next, check out Kerri's giveaway, you can win lots of great items, including your choice of anything from my store!

Lisa is giving away a bunch of gift cards so you can get some great things for Back-to-School for free!

Also, check out Lindsay's Blogiversary giveaway for a $20 Target gift card!

My Life as a 3rd Grade Teacher

Louanne is also have a giveaway for a gift card! Your choice of Target or Walmart and it's for $25!

Oh! I'd love it if you voted for me too! Apparently voting has been open for a while but I didn't know so I'm totally behind in promoting this lol! Better late than never though, right?


Miss Nelson said...

Those look like so much fun.

Sarah Plum said...

My guess -- 258. :)

There's No Place Like Second Grade

Rachel said...



Lori R said...

411 is my guess.

VickyVinas said...

I am going to guess there are 273. Love the beads they would defintiely be great for a variety of lessons.

- Vicky
http://themadnessthatis kindergarten.blogspot.com

Unknown said...

I'm guessing 425 =)
What a great and EASY experiment!

Kinder Kraziness

Pam and Jess said...

Looks like fun! I am guessing 409!


Robin said...

What a great idea!
562 beads


Dana Baker said...

My guess is 244


Lisa R. said...

I'm going to guess 642! Thanks for the shout out about the giveaway. I just stopped by and voted for you too! :)
Learning Is Something to Treasure

Hoffer said...

I'm guessing 872!

Cindy Foreman said...

That looks like so much fun! I'm going to guess 497 beads

Ash said...

I am going to go with 650. I am so bad at estimation. I feel bad for my poor kiddos.

Anonymous said...

Sooo fun! I would guess that there are 375- have a great rest of your summer!

Barbara L said...

I LOVE this activity. Please email me and tell me what those beads are and where to get them!
My guess is 306!
Hope your mouth is feeling better.

Grade ONEderful
Ruby Slippers Blog Designs

PS I may have to "cheat" too and use the twig books first day back!

Unknown said...


Mrs.G's Kindergarten in Heels

MRs hodge said...

Love those beads!!! My guess is 478.

Mrs. Hodge and Her Kindergarten Kids

Cindy said...

I'm thinking 427.
Those beads look so fun.
Do they shrink back down for another use?

Andrea said...

I have these bead and they keep forever in a plastic bag in the fridge when you aren't using them! I got mine at www.watermarbles.com

My guess is hmmm....550!!!
Thank you!

Unknown said...

Herding Kats in Kindergarten... I love it!!!
I have looked over your blog and found it to be lovely :) So I am awarding you with the Lovely Blog Award.

Should you choose to accept this award you will need to...

1. Follow the person who gave you the award...

2. Link back to the person that gave you the award...

3. Pass to 15 new bloggers and then let them know they have received the award...

Now, who will you choose to bestow this Lovely award? Make a list and check it twice ;)
and remember 'Stay Wild About School!'

MeadowsMom said...

I'm guessing 555! :o) My email is stephenandmindyc@Yahoo.com

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