Organization Day 3 (Freebies)

I had some requests for the theme labels from yesterday so I went ahead and made them into a pdf that you can get here for free! If there are any other themes you want let me know and I'll see what I can come up with! In case you missed it, here's what they look like:

Today's organizational task was putting the labels on the boxes and starting to put everything into the boxes.
I am going to try to keep my beginning of the year themes upstairs in my computer room closet for easy access. This means I'll have to rotate boxes at some point in the year, but that's what husbands are for, right?

I also played with spray paint today! There are two things I like about spray paint -1) they card you when you buy it at Walmart which always makes me giggle. And 2) it's super easy so even I can't mess it up! I sprayed my clothespins and then organized them because this year I was constantly searching for my different colored pins. I used the 7 tier behavior chart and every time a student ends the day on the top color they got a sticker on their clothespin. After 5 stickers they got a new pin in a different color. I underestimated my kiddos last year - they worked for those pins lol. Last year I started with a plain wooden pin, then they earned a bronze, then a silver and then a gold. I meant for the gold to be the last clip and didn't think many would get it, but I had some that even went beyond so in the 3rd Quarter I was frantically buying more clothespins and trying to figure out what could top gold! Thus I added more colors this year. Oh and I'm changing the stickers to hearts or stars drawn on the clip with a Sharpie because the stickers were forever falling off and getting lost.

Here are my clips for the year:
 After a plain clip they earn their green clip.

 Then they earn a blue clip.
 Next is purple
 Then bronze.
 And finally gold!

I decided to change up my clip chart to match my "Where the Wild Things Are" theme, so look for that in the next day or two. I ordered mine from Vistaprint last year when they were having all the specials, so that's what I'll hopefully do again this year. I got the small banner size and that fits 3 clip charts so I just cut apart the charts and gave the extras to my neighbor teachers. This year since 3 of us are doing the "Wild Things" theme it works out perfectly!


1 Jessica said...

LOVE the clip idea!!!

2 Jessica said...

OMg! I can't wait to see your Where the Wild Things Are clipchart!!! And thank you soooo much for the book bin freebie! SO CUTE! I'm sharing the link to your blog to some new teachers at my school! They will appreciate it!

Anonymous said...

So excited to see all of your organization pictures! The clip chart is a great idea too!

4 Lisa R. said...

I can't believe how adorable those labels are!! Thanks so much for sharing!! :)

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