
I am trying to get ready for the week, I've got a ton to do and not much time to do it in! Report cards are due by the 18th so that means I have to Literacy 1st test all my kiddos and then Fluency test them as well! I think I even have to fit a Title I math test in there too! We're also going on a field trip next Saturday, so I have to get out all the permission slips and secure the purchase orders etc. I have to type up and send out a PTA letter because for some unknown reason I volunteered to be PTA president this year - can't give out specifics, but last year money went missing, things were not done right and it was quite a mess, so silly me agreed to try to straighten everything out this year. Like I needed anything else on my plate! Oh and I have to do my school inventory and my Title I inventory this week too!

Ahhhh! I have a feeling I will be bald by next weekend just from pulling out my own hair! Did I mention that I felt like this would be a good weekend to get back to my diet?! I gained 5 pounds on vacation and thought I'd get serious about my eating habits again - not thinking about all the stress coming up! This will be a serious test of my willpower!

I am linking up with Farley over at Oh Boy 4th Grade! for the May Currently! Woohoo, I get to check that off my list for the month :)

My last two themes this year will be Dinosaurs and Space! Here are some of the dinosaur books we will read:

Oh! And because my kiddos loooove when I read aloud to them, here is our book for the week:

I'm going to be having a giveaway later this week, keep an eye out for it! I'll also have more freebies to share- I have a few in the works right now! Also, Teachers Pay Teachers is having a Teacher Appreciation Sale for 10% off from May 6th-8th! I'm joining in with another 20% off so that works out to 28% off! Yeah, I can't figure that math out either, but I'm going with it :) come by my store and have a look around!


1 Karen Stamp said...

Haha! Is it OK if we share a platform?? I think I have the same problem!!
Karen :o)
Mrs. Stamp's Kindergarten

2 Miss Sara said...

Thanks for visiting my blog! I'm now following you :)
Love the cowgirl theme :)

Miss Elementary

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