I did manage to make a few games for Spring, which you can check out at my TPT store:
I love "I have.. Who has...?" games because they are such a fun way to reinforce skills. This one has CCVC words for reinforcing those initial consonant blends. It's a great game to play during transitions or whenever you have a few free moments during the day. I set a timer and each time we play we try to beat the previous time. I made it with 32 cards so that large classes can play and those with small classes can double up on cards - I usually give 2 cards to those kiddos who have a hard time staying involved in a task, this way when their first turn is over they still have to pay attention to read their next card.
This one I made two versions of - the Word Family game pictured above, plus another with Dolch Sight Words. Either way it's a fun small group game that gives your kiddos a chance to practice reading while still being entertaining enough to hold their interest. My kids always love the "specialty" cards, I can always tell when someone has drawn one because the whole table will get excited!
This "I have...Who has...?" has such cute graphics, I am in love with the ladybugs! I made 2 versions of this one as well, a CVC game and a CVCE game for those of you working on long vowel sounds!
Can you tell I am focusing on kindergarten? I was almost promised that I will be back in kindergarten next year! Supposedly we will be told our grade level assignments before the end of the school year and unless numbers change drastically we should be good to go. I have asked that if a new kindergarten teacher is required that they move me back down rather than hire someone else for the position and I was told that if a spot opens up its mine. Please cross your fingers for me that our numbers stay where they need to, I've enjoyed my time in 1st grade this year but I really feel that kinder is where I belong!
Day 2 of Spring Break:
No coffee this morning, and I did manage to do a little of the laundry that I allowed to pile up last week - for some reason I must have thought that Spring Break was 2 weeks instead of just one! I have no idea how I'm going to finish all of the things on my to-do-list! I'm taking the kids to see The Lorax this afternoon, so they are motivated to help me tidy up before we go. I'm also going to have to stop at the grocery and book stores after the movie. I did not stock up on enough snack food for the kiddos for a whole week at home, plus I'm out of books to read already! What was I thinking?!
I haven't made anything for my TPT store today, but I did manage a freebie for my fabulous followers. A fun roll and cover game with some of my new clipart! I hope you can use it in your class, please rustle up a response below and let me know if you're on Spring Break yet!
Spring Owls Roll and Cover

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First Grade Blue SKies
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