Two Linkys!

I have to link up with 2 linkys today - one from a new-to-me blog called Kindergarten Lifestyle which I can't believe I haven't been following! I rectified that situation, and now I'm linking up with Jeannie for a "You know you're a teacher when...." linky party!

Make sure you head over to grab her cute little sign and join the party!

The 2nd linky party is from Ms. B. over at Buzzing with Ms. B and it is not really teacher related but I thought it might be fun and hopefully you won't mind reading a little more info about me!
Her linky is all about how you met your hunny so it's very appropriate since Valentine's Day is tomorrow!

I met my hunny while I was in the Army. I had just finished Basic Training and was sent to Fort Bliss, TX for Advanced Individual Training. I was living on the 3rd floor of the barracks, and had classes during the day. One day, right before the first weekend when I would have a pass to go off-post, another girl came up to me and told me that some guy named Knopf wanted to meet me. It seemed he was on night classes and had been checking out the day classes before going to sleep each day and he saw me and asked her for an introduction. So, I ended up going downstairs to meet him and agreed to a date at an Italian restaurant that Friday night. To make a short story even shorter, he proposed 3 weeks later and we got married the following weekend - so that's a total of 4 weeks of knowing each other before we said "I do"! Everyone laughed at us, including the drill sergeants, but we have been married for 13 years now! Sometimes, you just know when you've found that special person! Here are some of my favorite pictures of us from that time:
 Our first date at Como's Italian Restaurant in El Paso, Tx.
Early morning PT, look at the glare from our reflective belts!
Don't we look cute in our uniforms?
Look how young we were!!

 Okay, make sure you head over to the linky to tell me all about how you met your hunny!

In case you missed it, yesterday I posted some conversation heart activities to use in your classroom. I'm reposting them just in case you still need an activity for tomorrow!
Conversation Heart Activities


1 Sandra said...

Aw!! What a cute story!!!
❤ Sandra
Sweet Times in First

2 Lisa said...

Awwwww........Y'all are too stinkin cute!!! :)

Live Laugh and Love to Learn

3 Ms. Chrissy B said...

That's another crazy cute story! I think you hold the record on the least days prior to marriage, though. haha

Also, I live in El Paso! Wow! Are you guys still here?

Buzzing with Ms. B

4 Cupcake said...

Oh my gosh, what a cute story!! Love it :)

A Cupcake for the Teacher

5 Kimberley Moran said...

I love your story! I might tell mine. Not sure.

First in Maine

6 Holly said...

Oh my goodness...what a neat story!!!!!

Crisscross Applesauce in First Grade

7 Amber @ Adventures of a Third Grade Teacher said...

Such a sweet story? 4 weeks? Sometimes it takes me that long to decide if I like a new pair of shoes! haha

Adventures of a Third Grade Teacher

8 Amber @ Adventures of a Third Grade Teacher said...

Oh and I didn't mean to ask the first statement as a question! :)

9 Chrissy said...

Wow! Married after 4 weeks! We knew each other 10 years first. Good for you! And I love your second "You know you're a teacher when." That happens to me too often. Happy Valentines Day!
 Chrissy

First Grade Found Me

10 Think, Wonder, and Teach said...

WOW -- 4 weeks! Don't tell my hubby that one I have yet to live down the "are you sure?" response to his proposal.

Cute Story!

Misty @
Think, wonder, & Teach

11 Jeannie said...

Thank you for joining my linky party!
It's been such fun!

I am following!

­Kindergarten Lifestyle

Kindergarten Lifestyle Facebook Fan Page

12 BAK Pack Photography said...

Four weeks! WOW!
Great story!
❀Beth Ann❀
Taming My Flock of Firsties

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