Exhausted...but still have a freebie!

Oh friends, I am soo tired right now! I stayed at work until 5pm because my daughter had an after school meeting and there was no point driving all the way home just to come back and pick her up within 1/2 hour.

Then, I raced home, dropped my kiddos off and raced to a PTA Founder's Day dinner which lasted until 7:15! Longest dinner of my life - the food was catered by a German restaurant and the schnitzel was so tough my plastic knife broke trying to cut it :(

Then I still had to stop at Hobby Lobby for some magnets because I have been promising my kiddos for a week that I would attach magnets to their bead creations but my magnet roll somehow walked off on me. We usually have beads as a center during inside recess, and its always popular! By the way, their creations are becoming so much more creative and intricate, I love it:
 Teepee and Sunflower person.

 Dolphin variations.

 Hearts and a hexagon.

 American flag.

I also had to stop at Dollar Tree to pick up some goodies for my kiddos who do well on the spelling test tomorrow. This week we have been rocking our words and I think it's going to be close to 100% of students getting 100%!!

Then, I decided to stop into Hastings to pick up a new book because I know I'm so tired that I won't be able to fall asleep tonight - do you have trouble sleeping when you're overtired? As I set my books on the counter I started to swipe my card - before the poor clerk even had a chance to start ringing them up! I'm sure he thought I was a loon lol!

Anyways, I am turning in for the night, but though I'd share a freebie for my kinder friends. Its a patterning activity to go with Read Across America week!  Just click on the picture to download it for free in my TPT store. I hope you enjoy it, and if you do,  please rustle up a comment for me below!


1 Unknown said...

Great freebie! Hope you get some rest soon! =)

First Grade Blue SKies

2 Constance said...

Cute! Thanks for sharing!!

3 Annie from Teachers with APPtitude said...

Jennifer can you send me your email again? I tried to email you the nonsense word game you won with the email left on my blog, but it won't send. You can email me at:

Jennifer Houze said...

Love the Dr. Seuss freebie. Do you use an iron in your classroom to get the bead creations to fuse together?

5 Jennifer K. said...

Thanks Jennifer! Yes, I go across the hall to my friend's room and we chat while I use her iron! She's the Macguyver of our school - anything you need you can find it her room lol!

6 bjudge said...

Thanks for Seuss-errific patterns. Do your kids just leave their bead creations at the center until the end of the day? Are you fusing a lot after school? Great for fine motor!!

7 rooneyhunt said...

Thank you for the patterning activity. My kinders will enjoy it next week!

~ Amy

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