Any Requests?

How I plan to spend my weekend:
1. Conquering the pile of to-be-graded/to-be-filed papers that have been hanging over my head the last week or so.
2. Creating new units for Dr. Seuss and St. Patrick's Day - if you have any requests for content or a different theme please let me know - I love to create things that I know will be used in your classrooms!
3. Finishing our taxes - ugh!
4. Finding a way to display my Brag Tag necklaces! I won these super cute tags from Image Stuff, and now I am going to rope my darling husband into making a peg board to display them in the classroom! Here's a picture of my tag:
 As soon as my kiddos saw them they were so excited and begged me for other tags too - some of their suggestions included tags for addition and subtraction, tags for following procedures, tags for being helpful, tags for spelling and tags for science. Needless to say I will be ordering more tags asap! I love how enthusiastic my firsties are, and really, the tags are fairly inexpensive for my class of 20!

In other news, I spent waaaay too much at the book fair this week, but I got some super cute books! I will be creating a unit to go along with my new "There Was An Old Lady Who Swallowed a Clover" as well as a unit for the "Library Mouse" trilogy!

Check back later this weekend for some freebies!


1 Journey of a Substitute Teacher (Ms. T) said...

When it comes to books, I could spend a ton! Lol :)

Journey of a Substitute Teacher

2 Erika said...

The Library Mouse books are wonderful. I can't wait to see what you come up with!

2B Honey Bunch
The Best Endings

3 Lori said...

Books are a great way to spend money! :)
Conversations in Literacy

4 Natalie said...

Thanks for stopping by! Now I'm your newest follower :)

Teachery Tidbits

5 Jennifer said...

Love your Brag Tags! I won a set in December.

I always spend too much on the Scholastic book clubs.

The First Grade Dream

6 vicky1970 said...

Oh my gosh your blog is adorable!!! I'm so glad I came across it. I'm brand new to blogging come on over and check me out. I have an Abe Lincoln art project you might like.
~ Vicky
Traditions Laughter and Happily Ever After

7 Mrs. Andrews said...

I LOVE those books!! I'm new to blogging and I now follow your cute blog, come on over for a visit :)

Kaleigh's Klassroom

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