Blog on Fire Award!

Woot! I am so honored to have been chosen for this award by both Mrs. Bee from Mrs. Bee's Kindergarten and by Desiree from Kinders on the Block!
The rules for this award are to tell 7 things about yourself and then nominate 7 other blogs. I am going to try to be brief, but honestly, briefness is not one of my strengths!

1. I have a browser addiction. Seriously, my husband is always complaining that I'm hoggin all the bandwidth because I have so many browsers open! Right now, for example, I have 23 browsers open. I just can't stand to close one before I switch to another!

2. I have a weird fascination with Toddlers & Tiaras. It just floors me that these mothers don't realize what they're doing to they're kids or what they look like on television. I keep wishing that they would do follow up shows and just show the mother having to watch their episode of T & T to see if it makes any difference in their behavior.

3. I always put my feet up during scary movies - and I sometimes still take a flying leap to get into bed at night if my husband isn't home and the house is all silent and creepy.

4. I have to have popcorn during movies! Last weekend I went to see Paranormal Activities 3 with my husband and a friend. Between the 3 of us, we killed the whole tub of popcorn before the previews were over! I couldn't stand not having any popcorn left for the movie so I went and got a refill even though it meant missing the first minutes of the movie.

5. I spend way too much time blog stalking! In fact, it's now after 5pm on Sunday and I haven't even started my lesson plans because I've been busy reading blogs!

6. I love getting comments! Seriously, a sweet comment will make my whole day brighter! Silly me, I even keep the email notifications of comments simply because seeing them in my mailbox still makes me smile :)

7. I get cold super easy, and then it takes me hours to warm back up. I even went and got my thyroid checked but apparently it's fine. I wear thick fuzzy socks around the house and have been known to wear gloves to bed too!

Alright, I'm sure that was way more than you wanted to know, but I did do a little bit better keeping it short! In no particular order, here are the 7 blogs I am nominating:

Amy has a fabulous blog AND right now she's having one of the best giveaways I have seen! Go check her out and be sure to enter!

Kelly has the cutest idea for using Halloween candy wrappers to make an ABC book - go check her out!

This is a super cute new blog that started in August. I am using her bat hats next week!

I cannot forget Laura from Kinder Kraziness. She has a heart of gold and is so helpful to new bloggers! She even featured me on one of her  "Someone New Sunday" posts!


Miss E has fabulous ideas and shares a lot of printables! I'm using some of her 50's Day stuff this week too!

 Alysia has a great blog - I especially like the "Think" poster she posted about today!

And finally, Criss Cross Applesauce in First Grade is a relatively new blog that has some super sweet ideas! Check out her "good fit books" poster with the bicycle analogy!

Again, thank you so much to both Mrs. Bee from Mrs. Bee's Kindergarten and by Desiree from Kinders on the Block for giving me this award! If you'd like to make my day even better, please consider voting for me in the Circle of Moms Top 25 Teacher Mom Blogs contest. I am so excited to be nominated along with a bunch of the "big name" bloggers!


1 Giggles and Squeals said...

OMG... I feel so very honored! Someone is actually reading me! Thank you! It means more than you know!

2 Holly said...

Oh, oh, oh, I am SO glad I hopped on one last time before going to bed!!!! You made my day too...thanks so much! I'm going to have to think on this and post tomorrow. You bet your bottom dollar I'm going to dream about this tonight...HA!

Crisscross Applesauce in First Grade

3 Kerri Buckner said...

I'm the same way when it comes to comments. I love getting them and have the hardest time deleting the email that notified me about them. It's like I think I'm going to delete the comment or something. Thanks for the help with finding the pigeon drawing as well. Much appreciated.

4 Unknown said...

Thanks so much Jen! You are too sweet. You left me speechless dear =)

Kinder Kraziness

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