Are you an "Eggspert"?

My friend has the cutest classroom management device ever! It is perfect for randomly choosing which table lines up first or gets to choose centers first etc, but it can also be used as a kind of Jeopardy answer system with up to 6 players or teams! She has this wireless version:

and her kids love it! Today the batteries ran out as it was about to choose which table could line up for lunch, and one child mournfully told her "I guess you'll have to be the Eggspert today." lol! I can see so many uses for this at every grade level.

You can use it as a motivating answering system to review math facts, science terms or spelling/vocabulary word with your whole class by dividing them into 6 teams. In the Jeopardy mode the fastest team to hit the buzzer gets to answer, or you can set it to Wheel of Fortune mode and it will choose a team to answer for you. Of course you could also use it in your small group lessons, and since you can turn the sound on and off it wouldn't be distracting to other groups. I plan to use it to review sight words in small groups tomorrow!

On another note, we are already getting hit by multiple bugs. So far we've got sore throats, runny noses, headaches, fatigue, stomach aches and today we progressed to vomiting! Most of the above is without fever, so those poor darlings have to just suck it up - although I usually let them sit in my bean bag chair if their feeling poorly but I can't send them home. What do you do with those kiddos who are clearly not feeling well but not running a fever or vomiting (our school's criteria for a phone call home)? I had one little guy who slept from 10:15 until 3:15 today - a phone call home did not get a response, and the counselor decided not to call mama's work #. I'm not sure if he wasn't feeling well or simply up all night. Some of my firsties have later bed times than I do! I wish I could video tape them to show their parents how much that lack of sleep affects them in class!

We have Open House tomorrow and I am looking for something to send home about the importance of a good night's sleep. Anyone have something ready-made? Oh, and bad mama time - it's my son's 5th birthday tomorrow and I will be working late - gotta make it up to him this weekend I guess!

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1 comment:

1 Vintage Teacher said...

I love Eggspert and so do my students! Have used it for years. Everyone should have an Eggspert for their room. It should be mandatory! Did I say I love Eggspert. lol

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