Prompt of the Day Linky Party!

What a neat idea for a linky party! This week, Clutter Free Classroom is hosting a "Prompt of the Day" linky party! Today's prompt is:

"How I'm Spending My Summer"

I had a house fire at the end of April and my house needs to be rebuilt pretty much from the ground up. So part of this summer has been dealing with insurance agents and contractors :(

Last week I volunteered to be one of the kindergarten teachers who pilots the core curriculum this year. About 15 of us took three days last week to go through the standards, create a scope & sequence and pacing calendar for math & language arts. Not to mention share resources and ideas! We came up with some pretty good stuff and I am not sweating core curriculum as much any more, I think it will work great in my classroom this year!

This week I'm heading to Great Expectations training! This is my 3rd year attending and I am excited! I always come away with great ideas and a new enthusiasm for getting back in the classroom! I will be posting more about it later in the week.

Since money is tight due to the house fire (not to mention teacher salary + military salary = not much lol) we are holding off on a real vacation. But, we have gone down to Arlington, TX twice now. We got season passes to Six Flags over Texas and it has been so much fun! My youngest is tall enough for most rides, and he loves the thrills! On the way home we always stop at the Lego store for the kids, the Warhammer store for my husband, and Target for me! 

I've also been working on organizing my theme boxes, adding to them as needed. I've found some great things as I've been blog stalking, plus I've created some of my own. Not to mention, I started this blog! It was something I've been wanting to do for a while and I am thrilled with the responses so far.

I can't wait to see what tomorrow's prompt is, remember to check out everyone else's responses at the party!


1 Jill said...

I'm piloting a new reading curriculum this year! Yeah for us!

Marvelous Multiagers!

2 Jennifer K. said...


Jill, I was a bit worried about piloting the core curriculum, but I was even more worried about not having a voice as to how it's implemented district wide next year! I figure if I want to get my 2 cents in I better volunteer! I wish I had a reading curriculum that worked - last year I gave mine away to a new teacher because we only had 2 sets for 3 classrooms and I wasn't using mine at all. It just didn't seem to work for my kiddos. What series are you using?

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