Veterans Day Emergent Reader, Videos and More!


Veterans Day is a big deal in my home and my community. Not only is my husband currently serving in the Army, I am also an Army Veteran. My father and my uncle were also veterans. We live on a military base, and a lot of my students have family members in the military.  
This is my husband and I, right after we met during advanced training! He's been in the Army for almost 20 years, and we've been married for 19 years!

So as you can imagine, we celebrate Veterans Day in a big way! Here are some of the books and videos I use in my classroom, and a freebie for you as well! Affiliate links to Amazon are provided for your convenience.Enjoy, and don't forget to thank a Veteran!

Veterans Day videos:
Kibboomer's Veterans Day song - your students could easily learn this to sing at an assembly.

Informative kid-friendly video about Veterans Day

Video highlighting reunions of soldiers and their families. Well put together and a tear jerker! 

Read aloud of "Veterans: Heroes in Our Neighborhood" book!

3rd Graders singing "I Still Believe" in honor of Veterans Day!

Great read alouds:


 Veteran's Day Songs & Reader - just click to grab this freebie!


1 Smith said...

Thanks to YOU for serving! This is such an important day. I'm going to try to bring in a dad (reserves?) this year.

Anonymous said...

Hi ! This is my first visit to your blog! Your blog provided us beneficial information to work on.

Veterans Day Meme Pics
Veterans Day Clipart 2017 Images

3 Kids Songs said...

Thanks for the blog. Preschool is really help to develop your kids creativity and make them active.

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