Monday Blahs - Time for a Fun Giveaway!

Have you ever had one of those days where nothing really goes wrong, but nothing really goes right either? That was my day today! My schedule was messed with first thing this morning - nothing horrendous and it's already fixed, but still - the last thing I needed on a Monday. Then I finally got my planners - the ones we've been waiting on since the beginning of school but Title I couldn't order because our budget wasn't released. I absolutely love having them, but hated having to try to get them set up and passed out all in one day, in between welcoming  a  new student and getting her acclimated, as well as being interrupted CONSTANTLY by tutors coming to pick up my kids. I swear, I could barely find a time when everybody was in the room to do our spelling pre-test. Granted, the tutors do a great job, and my kids really benefit from having the small group attention, but it is a hassle to try to work around kids getting pulled for math during my reading time, or being pulled for reading during math time!

Since I'm having such a blah day, let's see if I can improve my mood with a fun giveaway! If you have a Donorschoose project up, or just want to win $10 to donate to a classroom of your choice, enter below!

 We'll make this super simple:
1. Follow my blog for one entry, just leave a comment below.

2. For 2 entries, blog about this giveaway - leave 2 comments below.
3. Tell me about the class/project that you would donate to in a comment below - one entry.

I'll give away two $10 gift cards to Donorschoose to 2 winners chosen by a  Random Number Generator on Wednesady Nov 9th at 10pm CST.

This way I get some comment love AND a chance to help out some classrooms! I think that will be a great cure for my Monday Blahs!


1 Mrs. Brown said...

I follow your blog! This is a great giveaway!

2 Mrs. Brown said...

I blogged about your giveaway!

3 Mrs. Brown said...

I blogged about your giveaway!

4 Mrs. Brown said...

If I won.......slim chances since I am one of the first to comment, lol, I would use it towards my project for ink cartridges Project ID: 628197 ! I have found so many things I would love, love, love to print! Thank you!

5 Mrs. L said...

I love following your blog. You make me smile and you inspire me to be a better person. Thank you! Hope your Monday gets better.

6 Kinder106 said...

I follow your blog!! Just think..tomorrow isn't Monday!

7 Kinder106 said...

If I were to be lucky enough to win..I would use the gift card towards my FEED USA project for healthy snacks and books about making good eating choices! I find that so many of my kinder kids bring unhealthy choices...if we teach them at a young age, we can help them learn to make better choices as they get older!

8 Meredith said...

I follow your blog. This is a great giveaway! I love DonorsChoose and have a few projects I'm trying to get funded. Would love to win :)
Keen on Kindergarten

9 Miss Nguyen's Class said...

I follow your blog.

10 Miss Nguyen's Class said...

If I was to win, I would want the donation to go to my classroom project. I need a boombox, attribute blocks, and activities for my students to use during free choice time.

11 Missy Kennedy said...


I hope you have a better week. I have been voting for your blog everyday. I hope that makes you smile. :) I am in the postcard exchange with you. May you be blessed tomorrow.

The Kennedy Korral

12 leelou48 said...

UGH! I sympathize--I hate days when things are all hectic and crazy and my classroom door is a revolving one. I end up feeling like the ringmaster at a circus!

13 leelou48 said...

If I won the giveaway for the Donorschoose project, I would use it towards my current project. I have one that includes phonics games and a tablet for kids since our classroom does not have a computer for student use. What a generous giveaway! :-)

Tammy Agria said...

I follow your blog.

Tammy Agria said...

If I won, I would apply the gift card to a project I currently have up for an e-reader.

16 sunnymum said...

I'm following on GFC as sunnymum. Hope the Monday blahs have faded!
cbeargie at yahoo dot com

17 sunnymum said...

I would love to donate to the literacy project at my old school in Harlem:

18 Mrs. Mayas' Kindergarten said...

I follow your cute blog. :)


19 Marlana said...

Yay! Thank you so much for commenting on my blog about your giveaway! I'm so sorry about your day. I have had those days, too. It is especially hard to have a day like that when it's at the beginning of the week. I love that you are doing a good deed even though your Monday was blah. :)

I'm a follower!

Lil' Country Kindergarten

20 Marlana said...

If I'm allowed, I would love to have the DonorsChoose gift card applied to a math project I currently have submitted. The project is for lots of books to incorporate math and literacy and it includes some Guided Reading books, as well.

Lil' Country Kindergarten

21 Marlana said...

I blogged about your giveaway!

Lil' Country Kindergarten

22 Marlana said...

I blogged about your giveaway!

Lil' Country Kindergarten

23 KR said...

I follow!


24 KR said...

I would put all of my DC friends' names in a hat and pick a project to donate to. (MY district banned DC last April.)


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