Only 2 days left to enter Giveaway

My giveaway is almost over - you have until Saturday, August 20th at 5pm to enter. I'd really appreciate some help getting the word out!

Original Post

I found the cutest soaps in an Etsy store the other day and I just have to share them! Sunbasilgarden Soaps has beautiful, all natural, handcrafted soaps. Soap is kind of a guilty pleasure of mine, I even used to make my own soap back before I became a teacher (too little time and too many children now lol).  What a fabulous pick me up these little beauties are, and so many to choose from!

They range from the silly:

Surprise Animal Soaps for KidsFroggie All Natural Glycerin Soap - NEW
Eggs and Bacon All Natural Glycerin SoapSOAP Chocolate Covered Pretzel Soaps

Sweetheart Cupcake Soap
Buttered Toast All Natural Glycerin Soap

To the sophisticated:
Java Latte Coffee SoapEucalyptus and Mint Refreshing Loofah Soap - NEW
Avocado Splash All Natural Glycerin  Soap - NEWCandy Cane Ruffle Soap - SALE - Christmas in July
Sparkling Mojito All Natural Glycerin Soap - Limited Edition- NEWStrawberry Banana Milkshake Soap 

Now, I know these probably wouldn't be appropriate in the classroom, but I could totally see jazzing up the teachers' bathroom with some of these goodies! Or, after a long day of teaching, wouldn't it be great to have a relaxing soak in a bath with a bath bomb or loofah soap?

You might not have noticed, but today is my 2 month blogaversary (that is a word, right?)  I have enjoyed myself so much these last 2 months, I am truly hooked on blogging and stalking! I know that I will be a better teacher this year because of this great community of teacher bloggers and readers :)  To honor all of you for helping me, I want to have a little giveaway.  In order to combine two of my loves (blogging and handmade soap) the winner of the giveaway will get to choose $20 worth of soaps from Sunbasilgarden!

Here's how to enter:
1. Follow my blog and leave a comment.
2. Add me to your blog roll and leave a comment.
3. Grab my super cute, made-by-me button and leave a comment.
4. Blog about this giveaway and leave 2 comments.

I will choose a winner on August 20th (the day after school starts for me!) using

Thanks so much, I am looking forward to this new school year with so much more hope and confidence!


1 Sunbasilgarden said...

Thanks for the wonderful write up Jennifer. Just wanted to say yeah to all our teachers. Wish you a productive school year ahead.

2 Sugar Dimples said...

Following on your blog!

And blogaversary should TOTALLY be a word :]

3 Sugar Dimples said...

I put your button on my blog!

4 Vintage Teacher said...

I am a follower and I want to say those are adorable!

❤Vintage Teacher
Vintage Teacher

5 Mary said...

Following your blog

6 Cindy said...

I follow your blog! Love the soap! :o)


7 Nicole said...

I stalk you! ;)

The Kinder Kid

8 Pamela said...

I follow your blog!

9 Pamela said...

Love these soaps! You're on my blogroll.

10 Holly said...

I follow your blog!

11 Holly said...

I added you to my blogroll!

12 Keys4Education said...

I added you to my favorite blog roll/list :o)

jennkeys @ gmail . com

13 Keys4Education said...

I am a follower of your cute blog! :o)

jennkeys @ gmail . com

14 Pamela said...

I added your button to my blog :-)

Anonymous said...

I follow your blog!

16 Meredith said...

Those soaps are darling! I follow your blog.
Keen on Kindergarten

17 Barbie said...

I follow your blog! ADORABLE soaps!
Really Roper

18 Barbie said...

I added you to my blogroll!
Really Roper

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