Fortunately BlogLovin is taking its place! I am attempting to navigate through BlogLovin and so far its been super easy - it downloaded the 590 blogs that I follow (gasp! I had no idea I followed that many but there are so many amazing blogs out there!) and I managed to get some new little Widgets for my right sidebar so you can follow via BlogLovin and I can see how many of you have found me over there (it really makes me glad that I'm not typing this to my lonesome self!)
Anyways, I have to "claim" my blog on the site, so I am doing a quick little post. I only have 6 weeks left before this little guy is finished cooking, so at this point the bedrest is more for my own comfort than for his benefit so I am able to get to the computer a little more frequently as long as I can put up with the tons of movement and Braxton Hicks that goes with sitting up lol. I've been making some things for my classroom - my team and I decided to go with a Western theme and its been so much fun coming up with things! I've also been doing some requests for some followers, and I wanted to let you know that if you need something, Rustle up a comment below and I'd be happy to work on it! Its a lot of fun to try to make new things!
Oh! And if you haven't tried BlogLovin, click on this link to go follow me over there!
Follow my blog with Bloglovin