
Turkey Activities! Plus Gingerbread Giveaway!

This week we've had a lot of fun, learning about Thanksgiving and playing with our Terrific Turkey Math & Literacy Centers!

Some of my kiddos are still working on number recognition. so these activities were perfect for them:

My students love puzzles, so this one was great fun and it helped them practice both number recognition and rote counting to 10!
 They also love any activity with rolling a dice, and this game gives them practice with both recognizing numbers 1-6 as well as one-to-one correspondence!
We've been working on positional words, so this activity was fun in whole group and then it moved to a center time activity. In whole group I alternated between calling students up to place a piece in the position I dictated ("Put the turkey on top of the barn") and arranging the pieces and then having students use positional words to describe where an animal is ("The cow is between the farmers") Actually being able to use the positional words in a sentence is a harder skill for them than just placing the pieces in the correct place, so its good to practice both!
This activity was great for my kiddos who are still iffy on all of their colors (I had a bunch that knew only 3-4 colors at the beginning of the year and they still get a few confused). Since I used different size pom poms, and included a variety of amounts, we were able to go a step further with the students who were ready for it by sorting the different color pom poms by size and then also identifying which color pom poms had the most and least.
Again, give them something to roll and my kids are all for it! I absolutely love this game because it gives them practice identifying shape names AND finding them in different orientations and sizes.
I don't do a lot of paper/pencil activities, but every once in a while we do a cut & paste sheet because the kids like them and it gives them good fine motor practice. This sheet also gave them some one-to-one correspondence practice plus number recognition! As you can see, I'm not picky about what color is used, but I do watch out for correct crayon grip :)

We got to sing Dr. Jean's Albuquerque Turkey song at our Friday assembly which was a big hit. We're also working on learning our "5 Little Turkey" poem which I wrote myself! I created pocket chart cards for it and wrote it out on sentence strips, to give up practice reading from top to bottom and left to right. Next week we'll color and take home the reader and hopefully my kiddos will get a lot of practice reading it to family members over Thanksgiving!

Next week we only have 2 days of school, so we're going to create our "Where Is Turkey?" positional word reader, and do some fun Turkey crafts! I'm torn between coffee filter turkeys, milk carton turkeys or handprint turkeys. What is your go-to Thanksgiving craft project?

After Thanksgiving we're jumping into our Gingerbread Theme! I just created this Gingerbread Alphabet Match-Up game that has students matching both upper and lower case letters as well as beginning sound pictures!
If you'd like a chance to win it, stop by my Facebook page and enter here! I'll pick a winner at 10pm!

Alright, time to start cleaning up - I have visitors coming for Thanksgiving and way not enough time to get ready! Have a fabulous Saturday!

1 comment:

  1. All of your stations look so fabulous! I pinned them and added them to my wish list in TPT.


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