
12-12-12 linky! (Includes a Relfy Update!)

I am linking up with Stacy over at Simpson's Superstars to commemorate 12-12-12 with 12 random pictures from today!

First up, look how we found Relfy this morning! What an artist!

Next up, this little angel is one of my absolute faves (I know we're not supposed to have them, but I can't help it, she is too precious!) She has been working sooo hard to get her first 20 sight words down and today she mastered the list and got her first certificate! So proud of her!!

This little guy blew me away with his creativity - a reminder that there are hidden talents in every child!
During indoor recess this little potato head family came to life, put together by three students who usually wouldn't have gotten along so well, but they came together in imaginative play!

I got a new student on Monday. Today he made black butterflies and the word "is" in play dough. I have a feeling he is going to be fun to know!

Our puppet theater is always a favorite! Our doctor puppet is now named "Dr. Lopez"!

We went to the computer lab and I just happened to glance over as this picture was being revealed - looks just like my beagle Max!

Our reading center looks so festive with its gingerbread man table cloth and all the holiday books! The kids love coming to read here!

As we were walking the hallways I came across this timely reminder that the "Genre Fair" is next week, and I haven't done anything for it yet! In my defense, our genre is science fiction and so far pickings are slim for genuine science fiction books that are age-appropriate! And, no, I refuse to believe that "Magic School Bus" counts as science fiction, regardless of how many times people tell me it is!

I have a walk through scheduled tomorrow and our 5 card is missing! Where oh where can it be? Do points get taken off for incomplete displays?!

A super creative bulletin board display from my neighbor across the hall! Love it! Inside each present is a quote from a student, listing the present they will give their families. I have two favorites: "I will leave the room when you ask." and "I promise not to fuss or cry for an hour."

Finally, the picture that I am amazed that I captured. Our school won a grant for healthy snacks, so each Tuesday-Friday we get a fruit or veggie in the afternoon. Today's snack were these tiny little yellow apples that were so sweet and juicy. My kiddos loved them! At one point I realized that this little guy had eaten his down to the core and I snapped a quick picture of his hands. I love the way the light is playing in this picture, and the fact that his sweatshirt has a small rip. This epitomizes my students and I think I am going to have this blown up to place in my office at home. My kiddos are starving - not for food, but for new experiences and knowledge. This apple is symbolic of the education I want to give my students!

Head on over to the linky to see how other bloggers spent the day in pictures!
And, don't forget to enter my giveaway for the $50 Kohl's gift card! Just click here to go to that post to enter!


  1. Maybe your elf took the five card? I would move up my six because they won't notice!

    Rowdy in First Grade

  2. Love all the pics, Kinder looks like so much fun!!

    Surfin' Through Second

  3. Could you tell me a little more about the grant for healthy snacks. I am very interested.

  4. Jennifer thank you so much for linking up with your photos. I love all of your pictures. Your upside down elf is VERY talented, the black butterflies are awesome and the smile on your baseball student is priceless. My favorite picture is the apple core, what a perfect picture. Thanks again for linking up.

    ✰ Stacy

    Simpson Superstars


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