
My Cup Is Overflowing!

Oh my, I think the weekend went by much too fast! I always feel like I'm being pulled in 10 directions - I have to grade and prepare lessons, clean the house, spend time with my husband, spend time with the kids and somehow still find some "me" time (aka blogging time lol). Yesterday I was dragged away from my work for a quick lunch with my husband at Chili's and then I went to A Pigment of Your Imagination with my daughter. I painted the cutest little owl Christmas ornament, I can't wait to see what it looks like fired! Last time we went Moira and I painted gnomes - didn't they turn out so sweet?!

 Although I resisted going at first, I really do enjoy spending the quiet time with my daughter. It is very relaxing to just sit and paint in a calm environment - even if you're not an artist! It's also nice to reconnect with my sweetie without the kids around. Sometimes I think we, as both teachers and women, forget that we need to fill our own cups before we can fill others'. We have to make sure we take the time to recharge so we have something to give back to those around us.
Speaking of giving back, and filling our cups (buckets!), I was grinning from ear to ear today when I happened to see that Vintage Teacher gave me an "I Heart Your Blog Award"! Seriously?! I was looking down her list of awardees, seeing if there was anyone new I could stalk, and I was floored to see my darling button. Having this little blog recognized really, really makes me happy!
Here's the story behind this award:
I Heart Your Blog  Award: A dear friend of mine taught me a profound lesson several years ago when she shared her personal mantra, "There Is Only Love". Since then, I have realized that by adopting this mantra in my own life, I have changed my whole approach to everything I experience. That being said, as a total newbie to the teacher's blogging world, I discovered this gold mine of amazingly creative and talented teachers out here in cyber space. There are so many of you spreading the teaching Love around the globe by sharing your ideas and experiences. I just had to create a blog award to celebrate those of you who have touched my heart and inspired me, increasing my LOVE of teaching.   

Thank you for sharing your talent with the world! 

When you are awarded the I Heart Your Blog Award you are asked to do the following things:

1. Give the "I Heart Your Blog "Award to your favorite Top 10 Blogs that have touched your heart and inspired your teaching by listing them on your blog.
2. Contact that person and let them know of their heartfelt award.
3. When you receive the award, copy and paste the graphic on you blog and give a shout out to the person who nominated you.
4. Spread the LOVE by passing the "Heart Your Blog" Award on to your Top 10.

My top 10 favorite blogs are:

Mrs. Bainbridge's Class

First Grade O.W.L.s 
Ocean Of First Grade Fun




  1. ahhhh....THANKS!!!!!! You are so sweet!

  2. Jennifer, thank you sooooo much for your donation. I appreciate it so much. :)

    Ms. M
    Ms.M's Blog
    A Teacher's Plan

  3. Thank you so much! I just read your message on my earlier post! Thanks for taking the time to give me a shout out! LOVE your blog BTW!
    Ms. A


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