
December 2020 Random Acts of Kindness Calendar

December is almost here (finally! There were times I thought this year would never end!), and its a perfect opportunity to build your classroom community and encourage kindness among your students! Here is my FREE annual Random Acts of Classroom Kindness Calendar for December. I've tried to make it as low-prep and budget friendly as possible, and it can be used no matter what faith your students are!

  Display it in your classroom in full color!

Or send home this b&w version so students' families can follow along at home!

Either way you choose, these simple (and affordable) ideas will soon have your students acting less Grinchy and more loving! To grab your copy, just click here to download it for free in my TPT store!

Here are some links and ideas for the acts marked with a red *:

December 2nd: If you need a quick way to make bookmarks for your library, check out my Pinterest Free Bookmarks Board for lots of FREE, fun options! Just print your choice, and then have students color and cut out!

December 4th: Add a fun winter flag to the sharpened pencils you leave for another class! Flags can turn your regular pencils into something magical, and motivate even the most reluctant writer. Grab this Winter Pencil Flags FREEBIE in my TPT store.

December 11th: Check out my Pinterest Play Dough Board for recipe ideas for the homemade play dough. My favorite is gingerbread dough - it makes retelling the story of The Gingerbread Man extra fun!
December 14th: Make simple paper towel roll bird feeders to hang around your school. If you have students with peanut allergies, use Crsico shortening instead of peanut butter for the bird feeders! Simply smear an empty paper towel roll with shortening or pb, then roll it in bird seed. Attach yarn or ribbon to hang it and voila!

December 15th: Kindness stones are so fun to make - in the classroom, I paint the rocks a solid color with acrylic paint (available in any Hobby store) and then let students write positive words, flowers, hearts and stars on them with paint markers or Sharpies.
Or join the #share100smiles movement by painting happy faces on your rocks!

You can also check out these fun resources in my TPT store to help make your December more merry!   
Gingerbread Man Emergent Readers - fun sight word readers with embedded math skills!
Classroom Elf Letters - integrate your elf into your curriculum with fun letters that incorporate writing, math and science!

Have a joyful December everyone ~ we're almost out of 2020!!