
January Math with Pictures, a Freebie and a chance to Win!

I cannot believe how fast time flies - it seems like just yesterday we were gearing up for Back to School and now its almost the end of January!

My requisite pic of Sullivan - his eczema is still going full force, we are seeing a pediatric dermatologist in February. He is still the happiest little guy ever though :)
My class thoroughly enjoyed our winter break and came back refreshed and with reinforcements! I now have 29 kiddos (ack!) and they run the gamut from so far behind I don't even know how to start them back on the proper track to so far ahead I am struggling to keep them challenged! It is absolutely amazing (and tiring!) how diverse my class is this year.

Today's post is all about the math   some of us are still working on K skills, some are firming up their grasp of 1st grade skills and some are ready to explore 2nd grade skills. Trying to manage math rotations with so many students and such diverse needs is making me stretch my organizational capabilities! I'm going to add pics of all of our Math Centers we've been working on so far:

I've been working on teaching measurement, as well as reviewing place value, number sense, addition and graphing. We have time to the hour down pat, now we are learning time to the half hour. I'm also focusing on writing the numbers from 109-120. We can fill in a mean 100 chart, but get past 109 and you see the strangest things! Fractions were easy for this group to understand - one less thing to worry about!
We also are reusing my Snowman Group Motivator from last year - aka an on-sale snowman decoration with reusable stickers! I think I paid $1.50 for it at Walmart after Christmas last year. I let my class add a sticker any time we are all behaving at carpet (29 kiddos get kinda wiggly!) The theory is that we will finish him before we finish January and we will get a dance party :)


 Penguin ten frames - first they matched them then I had them put the cards in numerical order!

Our Math Wall has penguin ten frame cards right now. I frequently switch them up so the kiddos have to be paying attention to them - anyone who figures out one is in the wrong place gets to clip up on our behavior chart :)
Now, here's your chance to win: Rustle up a Comment below and tell me your favorite math game to play in the classroom - it can be a board game, a made-up game, paper and pencil game-  anything, as long as its fun! I'll choose 2 commenters to win their choice of the math packs seen in this post!